Anarko-Punk zine: musim dingin PunkWay # 5, 2011

New anarcho-punk zine published in Russia is now available. Baru anarko-punk zine yang diterbitkan di Rusia sekarang tersedia.

Anarcho-Punk zine: PunkWay #5, winter 2011 Anarko-Punk zine: musim dingin PunkWay # 5, 2011

Released Russian Anarcho-Punk zine: PunkWay #5, winter 2011 (+english version) Dirilis Rusia Anarko-Punk zine: PunkWay # 5, musim dingin 2011 (+ bahasa inggris version)

Intro Intro
1. 1. Introduction Pengantar

3. 3. [Analyze It!] [Menganalisa It!]
4. 4. [It's always the lack of time.] [Ini selalu kurangnya waktu.]
5. 5. [About The Fight Against The Invisible Enemy] [Tentang The Fight Against The Invisible Enemy]
6. 6. [What to do if… and afterwards] [Apa yang dilakukan jika ... dan setelahnya]

[Ideas] The Theory [Ide] Teori The
7. 7. Revolution?! Revolusi?
8. 8. Open relationship Buka hubungan
9. 9. Science and Anarchy Sains dan Anarki
10.This is Street Art 10.This adalah Art Street
11. 11. Sport for the Vegetarians Olahraga untuk Vegetarian
12. 12. Different (Un)Necessities Berbeda (Un) Kebutuhan
13. 13. Songs Lagu-lagu

[Action] Events [Aksi] Peristiwa
14. 14. Punk Movements in different countries. Mutasi punk di berbagai negara. Slovenia. Slovenia.
15. 15. My way to anarchy. Saya cara untuk anarki.
16. 16. Punk rock yesterday, today and tomorrow. Punk rock kemarin, hari ini dan besok.
17. 17. Report about the anarchic concert Laporan tentang konser anarkis
18. 18. The report about the wall painting. Laporan tentang lukisan dinding.
19. 19. The Report from the seminar “Satire and humor against the fascism” Laporan dari seminar "Satir dan humor melawan fasisme yang"
20. 20. Kitchen dialogs or some facts about the movement in Germany Dapur dialog atau beberapa fakta tentang gerakan di Jerman
21. 21. Inflorescence and rally of the soviet communards. Perbungaan dan rally dari Communard soviet.
22. 22. We Recommend It! Kami Kenalkan It!
Outro! Outro!

English Version Versi Bahasa Inggris
23. 23. Briefly in English Secara singkat dalam bahasa Inggris

Download: PunkWay zine #5 Download: PunkWay zine # 5

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dikutip dari : PUNK WAY

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